Why life is compared to the trip?

Why life is compared to the trip?

Мы и мир

Have you thought about the fact that our very ordinary life — is a constant journey? What kind of journey is it? Where does it lead?

On the one hand, we are born; we grow, mature, gain friends, acquaintances and constantly move. We are moving in a certain direction, towards its goal. During our growing up we pass a large number of trials, defeats and disappointments. We do all this just for ourselves, so that our life can become much better, therefore, in this particular period of development, we, during our movement and efforts discover something new for ourselves, acquire the necessary knowledge and interesting facts.

On the other hand, we are constantly learning, participating in various competitions and contests, that is how, we have the opportunity to correct our skills in a particular activity.

When go to school first time, we are still scared. We do not know what will happen next! But we still want to move and go forward and not to retreat. Although at the beginning of our school children even don’t think about their course of  development, but their parents calculate every detail. In the most difficult periods of life we ​​are afraid! We are worried, but we get calm and warmth from our relatives and family.

The beginning of our journey, traveling to knowledge starts in the junior classes. In high school, during training in the fifth grade, we make mistakes for the first time, we get lost, but it’s by those first defeats and setbacks, we get the burden that replenishes our experience.

In the period of study in the eighth grade, we’re making our own decisions about where to go to study, and which profession to choose. During this period, everyone is looking for their native land, their island, which will lead to victory. But sometimes it happens that even adults cannot find this place. No problem, we just need to make every effort towards achieving a particular goal.

We make steps, we move and we get lost. We make mistakes. We are moving in the wrong direction: not according to “the arrow of the compass“, but in the end, everyone, absolutely everyone finds his/her edge of capabilities and objectives which must be achieved!

Written by VALERY DEMCHENKO, english

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