The inner feeling reveals the TRUTH
By Maria Ten | June 2nd, 2017
A. Einstein: «The real value is, in essence, only intuition.»
Each of us from our childhood is inspired by the idea that in order to have a good future, one must necessarily learn well, and have a serious approach to the choice of a future profession. But how to choose the profession that suits you, and ill become your friend for the rest of your life?! Of course, only your heart, your intuition, will help in this.
Intuition is the ability to choose the most favorable behavior without analyzing the situation. The intuition is an adviser not only in making business and in taking personal decisions, but also in scientific cognition. The developed intuition, and not the school and institute knowledge, is increasingly called the most important quality of a good specialist, because it helps to make a decision in the shortest possible time without special preparation, it pushes us to the right path of life.
The concept is very familiar to every person, because each of us at least once in his life used the magical property of intuition.
The role of intuition is very important in a person’s life. «It allows you to question what seems obvious; To be in the right place and at the right time; To put forward creative ideas and make the right decisions; To find the shortest path from the understanding of your desire to its realization, «the Internet informs. Intuition is the key to the knowledge of all mankind, the source of wisdom.
It is the intuition of mankind that is responsible for all discoveries in various sciences. After all, using the sense of intuition, every scientist did experience, described what is happening in nature, thinking that it’s not just for nothing.
The ability to listen to one’s intuition shows how a person has mastered his inner self.