The Day of Family, Love and Faithfulness in Murom city
By Grigory Sazanov | July 8th, 2016
Every year on the 8th of July The Day of Family, Love and Faithfulness is celebrated in Murom city. Svetlana Medvedeva, the second lady of Russia and the head of the Foundation of Social and Cultural Initiatives is the main person in the organisational Committee. She invented the symbol of the event – the camomile. And it was decided to celebrate this day in Murom city.
Who does not know Ilya Muromets nowadays? It was him who made this city so famous. But we should not forget about Peter and Fevronia, who also played their big role in the history of Russia. Now they are considered the symbol of family, love and faithfulness and honored worldwide. Further information about who played at the big concert on the shore of the Oka river and which record was broken by farmers this year will be given in the report of Grogory Sazanov and Andrew Bereznov later.